Thursday, February 25, 2010

Which Prank Call On Sportscenter Is Best?

For only the 2nd time in nearly 30 years, ESPN has been pranked live on the air during Sportscenter. Neither is the fault of the anchors, but both will live on in infamy. The blame goes to the producer for not confirming their live guests on the phone, but both delight me to no end. My favorite part, after he gets embarrassed, he says "Hi Youtube."

Here is the original and an all-time classic.


  1. I vote for the original, primarily because the conversation lasted a significant period of time prior to being uncovered. Westbrook fell apart early. Additionally, Bartman sounded like I expected a 'Bartman' to sound. Westbrook sounded rather 'white.'

  2. I agree, is there anything better than Dan Patrick saying, "We've been had."

    Add that to the picture of Steve Bartman in his Cubs hat and headphones, I think the original is the best.
